Chariman Desk

Chariman Desk

It gives us immense satisfaction to launch The deffodil school with a single moto of providing quality education to new generation. We teach the children that they need to be lifelong learners, open to the lessons of every experience, and then we provide them with opportunities to do just that. The example of many of our staff who graduated with postgraduate degrees this year shows formal learning opportunities taken, but it is in seeing the many informal ways in which we learn at deffodil that I feel sure we are a remarkable learning community.

The only constant in life is change, the school is on the cusp of leadership and technological change. I have always felt that change is the secret ingredient needed for ongoing success.

Change is seldom easy, but it is the uncertainty surrounding it that makes it difficult, not the actual new direction. As soon as the desired destination is chosen, and the general route to get there decided on, change is always energizing and fun.

deffodil shall be developed into a structured school where we have the expertise to support new directions, where the directions are based on what is good for the children now and the school in the long term, where the individual leaders are important only for their passion in moving the programmes forward, and where we have a healthy balance of tradition and innovation.

The school seeks your utmost cooperation and support at all times to achieve the high standards set.